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 Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]

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Fecha de inscripción : 06/09/2008
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Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyMiér Mayo 12, 2010 4:03 pm

[...Si alguién la puede traducir...]

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Christina-aguilera_1557568c
For Christina Aguilera, becoming a wife and a mother has not blunted her artistic ambitions, nor put the brakes on her provocative image

Citación :
Christina Aguilera has had the decorators in. Her Los Angeles mansion has been overhauled in a project nicknamed Project Pop Royalty.

According to the precise specifications of Aguilera and her husband, Jordan Bratman (a music business management executive), the myriad rooms are now a rhapsody in pink and red. Thirty chandeliers have been hung, a pinball-stuffed games room created. The LA interior design company Woodson & Rummerfield spent more than four months working on a nursery for their first child, Max, now two. The centrepiece is an 11ft-tall moon used as a prop on her last world tour, in support of her 2006 album Back to Basics. Her other favourite room is the studio in the back garden, beyond the mini-lake and waterfall, where she wrote and recorded much of her new album, Bionic.

"I can just put on my flip-flops and sweatpants and go right back," she beams. "We call it the Red Lip Room." There was some work to do on the house as the previous owners had left their mark all over the place. They were Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, and this was the house made famous in their reality TV show, The Osbournes.

"We kept certain elements, because there was also a homage-paying factor that was really fun," Aguilera, 29, says in the bright, shiny way that speaks of half a lifetime in the spotlight.

Aguilera has come a long way, fast. Her adolescent days on The Mickey Mouse Club alongside Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears led her straight into the pop charts: her debut single, Genie in a Bottle, released when she was 18, was an international hit. Her self-titled 1999 debut album sold 17 million copies.

But the bubblegum image foisted on her, lucrative though it was, frustrated the teenager with the octave-vaulting voice that could hit a high 'E'. Her 2002 album, Stripped, showcased her raunchier side. The infamous video, released the same year for her single Dirrty, directed by the outlandish photographer David LaChapelle, revealed an Aguilera thrusting ahead – in every sense – in revealing leather chaps and braided blond hair extensions. She took the makeover further: she was now 'Xtina', a sexually provocative woman with an edge, and she had the newly acquired multiple body piercings to prove it. Most of the piercings have gone, she tells me when we meet in a Beverly Hills hotel room. Doll-like petite, and with her white-blond hair perfectly coiffed and her lips a bright shade of scarlet, she wears a huge silver knuckle-duster across her right hand saying 'Xtina'. She is dressed in a plunging bustier.

The rebrand paid off: Aguilera became one of the most successful artists of the past decade, selling 43 million records and winning five Grammys. Her signature ballad, the soaring Beautiful, added some critical credibility to the mix too. She
changed course again with Back to Basics, in which she dressed like a 1940s blond bombshell. And where the career of her rival, Britney Spears, spun out in a haze of drugs and paparazzi run-ins, Aguilera ploughed a steadier, more lucrative path. She recently completed work on her debut film role in Burlesque.

Christina Aguilera is back, and marriage, mansions and motherhood and have not dulled her edge. The sleeve image (and title) of Bionic reflects the album's embracing of electronic and dancefloor sounds: half of Aguilera's face is replaced by robot circuitry. Sonically, too, she 'reached out' to underground electronic artists such as Ladytron and Peaches. There are gentler ballads, a couple written with the hitmaker Linda Perry (who wrote Beautiful) and some with the Australian singer-songwriter Sia. But the feel of Bionic, not least in the fizzy robo-disco lead single, Not Myself Tonight, is one of full-on club grooves. New mum, then, didn't turn soft.

"Definitely not," she shoots back, then talks at me – rapidly – for some time. "Being a mum and being an artist that expresses myself are two very different things for me, they're two very different hats that I wear. Do I lessen anything because
I'm either married or have a child? No. Because it's all about self-expression and being an artist. It's so important to me. I'm not just a singer. I'm an artist who gets visually inspired and collects art."

The idea to make an electronic record came early on. Or, as she puts it, "I always knew I wanted to do a futuristic statement on a musical note. But I wanted to make sure I did my inspiration record first."

She's talking about Back to Basics. One half of that double-album featured Candyman and Ain't No Other Man, singles that evoked the Andrews Sisters and jumpin' jazz. Some critics scoffed at this latest sharp left-turn. But it was, she insists in
a breathless, grammar-flouting rush, "a retro exploring of my inspirations musically to begin with when I was six years old with the soul and the blues and the jazz artists and exploring what that was visually in the 1920s and 30s and 40s." It was about "paying homage to the people that inspired me", a process "that almost forced me to revisit times in my childhood that I probably didn't want to".

Christina Aguilera was born in Staten Island in 1980, the first child of Fausto Aguilera, a US army sergeant from Ecuador, and his Irish-American wife, Shelly. Her parents divorced when Aguilera was six, and she, her mother and younger sister moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It had been a difficult family environment: money was short, army postings took them around the US and further afield (including a spell in Japan), and her father was physically violent towards her mother. Long estranged from her father, she sang about these times on the Back to Basics songs Oh Mother ('he took his anger out on her face') and The Right Man ('no father stands beside me to give this bride away').

Old-school music was a refuge for Aguilera. "Soul and blues spoke to me at an age where many would think I was too young to appreciate it. Six years old and I was listening to Billie Holiday as if it was the world to me. I related to blues and soul because I never had a safe haven growing up. It was a very chaotic environment for me to grow up in."

And that music was born of pain. So it was her comfort blanket?

"Yes, absolutely."

Aguilera's love of music quickly became a love of performing. Her astonishing voice brought her acclaim on the local talent-show circuit. She was ambitious, and determined to succeed. Does she think her troubled home life, for all the pain, inculcated independence and self-sufficiency early on?

"It had to," she says firmly. "Probably growing up witnessing my mum being so helpless at my father's hands and under my father's control and not having a career of her own to fall back on…" she says, the words tumbling out of her. "Watching that and witnessing how helpless she was in the situation and having to rely on a man – that was something I definitely absorbed early on into realising this is not who I want to be. This is a situation that I never want find myself in.

"And I was very defiant against it. It created a lot of anger for me. Any time I felt an injustice, or bullying – I was very sensitive to that. I don't like bullies. And I never, ever wanted to feel helpless to a man. So I was driven from a really early age to… succeed on my own. Yeah," she nods, "to succeed on my own. For myself. And make it."

Landing a part in 1993, aged 13, on The Mickey Mouse Club, Disney's all-singing, all-dancing children's show, was the beginning of her resolute march to succeed. In a way, she felt like she had come home. "I look back with fond memories of that time. It was fun. We all didn't want it to end. It was like a summer camp for kids like me," she beams. "I grew up in a place where I didn't really get a lot of people around that really understood or appreciated arts and singing and performing and wanting to do that as a lifestyle choice. So once I got on The Mickey Mouse Club and met other kids who enjoyed performing and wanted a whole career out of it, it felt like a family."

The exposure she gained on The Mickey Mouse Club helped Aguilera secure a record deal. Genie in a Bottle made the smiley, sugar-sweet 18 year-old internationally famous. Did she try to fence off anything like a normal teenage existence?

"Um, I tried. I tried to go to my high school prom and whatnot. And when Genie in a Bottle was played all the girls ended up leaving the dance floor just to be nasty." It all sounds desperately sad, a real-life version of the school dance scene in the horror film Carrie (albeit with less pig's blood), the freakishly gifted girl ostracised by jealous peers. But Aguilera doesn't see it that way.

"I look back at that and I smile, in a way," she says. "Because it was such training for the bigger picture, and to deal with just nastiness and negativity… for no reason! I didn't do anything to those people. And I learnt how to keep the positive
people round me, and have sharper instincts for anybody that just doesn't want to see me succeed. I'm just, like, see ya! I don't need it."

So she's hugely thrilled to have recently finished filming the lead role in Burlesque, a film about a small-town 'tough girl' with a difficult background who wants to make it as a burlesque dancer – an emotional and professional arc that resonated with Aguilera. Her role in the film came after Clint Culpepper, the president of the film company Screen Gems, saw her perform with the dance troupe Pussycat Dolls – "not the pop group, back when it was an underground show at [the LA club] the Viper Room." Culpepper has said the script was duly written with Aguilera in mind. "Cut to years later, a script shows up at
my doorstep. I read it and, you know, I had a rewrite done to the character to make her a little bit meatier, and more interesting. Because if I was going to venture off into acting I wanted it to be something I could sink my teeth into, something a little juicy."

Was she in every scene?

"Yeah, I was the star of the movie! Ha ha!"

Wasn't Cher the star?

"Well, I was number one on the callsheet! She's number two!" she shoots back.

Undoubtedly she has her diva moments, but these days Christina Aguilera finds contentment from things other than professional and artistic achievements. The LA mansion, for example. "Ozzy's colour choices in certain rooms were dark and moody and we kept with that theme," she says. "The walls of the studio are red, which I love. Red being such a great accent for me."

The crowds of Osbourne fans who still gather outside the mansion are less interested in the 'accent', more the overall excess of the place where mum, dad, Jack, Kelly and their umpteen dogs ran wild. "That can be a little bit of a pain in the ass,
I have to say," Aguilera tells me. "But once you're behind the walls of the gate, you feel pretty secure and out of touch with the rest of the world, which is nice." There she's no martyr to the gym ("I hate working out with a passion"), and is no diet freak – "I enjoy some bacon, and my carbs!" she laughs. "I'm big on the basics: sleep, water, moisturiser."

And art, one of her major financial indulgences. She and Bratman (whom she met on a working trip in Atlanta and married in a $2 million wedding in the Napa Valley in 2005) have given much thought to hanging their collection. It features a number of works by the hugely collectable (and hugely expensive) British guerrilla artist Banksy. "We have some prints and an actual oil canvas," Aguilera says. "And we have some of his stencils and his paintings as well. We have many Banksys– we probably have around…" She raises her eyes to the ceiling and mentally tallies up the artworks. "Around 10," she says, finally.

She likes Banksy's political statements. "I think he has a rhyme and reason to it, and isn't just painting a cheeseburger to be graphically interesting. And I like his little mystery," she says of his anonymity. No, she hasn't met him, but "I'm in his documentary [Exit Through the Gift Shop] I hear, shopping at his exhibition."

Apparently one of her Banksys features Queen Victoria. Can she describe it?

"She's sitting on a woman's face."

What was the appeal of that?

"I like the rebellion!" she titters. "I'm not going to speak about anything in regards to the Queen or anything like that. That's not my territory. But I like anything that sort of goes against the grain. I like the …" She titters again. "…the juxtaposition of that. I thought the image was hilarious."

Perhaps for the first time, Aguilera has a home life that is fully functional, fulfilling and secure. Bratman is "just that guy that walks into a room and he can really make me smile. That's how I started falling in love with him. He just had this essence of comfort. He is and continues to be my biggest fan, and just such a number-one supporter. He's a great man. I'm lucky to have him."

Max, too, fills her world. She tries as best she can to be the first person he sees in the morning and the last person he sees at night. She plans to take him with her on her Bionic world tour, which starts in America in July. The look for that tour, she says, will involve a lot of latex. "It just fits the body so well," she coos, "and it's very simple. And it's very graphic-looking on camera and film. So that ended up being a lot of my go-to choices for this record. It's very slick, it shines. You can lubricate it up."

So Aguilera didn't feel she should row back from the extreme sexual imagery for which she's known now that she's a mother?

"No. Because there's two different hats for me," she says. "Sexuality to me, it's really nothing to be ashamed of. I feel like there's so many labels put upon women. Everyone has their own comfort zone with what that means for them.

"My son, he's growing up in a house that's got a lot of nudity in our artwork, and seeing naked women and whatnot. And he's going to learn to have an appreciation for females and strong women, and a hard-working mum. And he's going to also understand that women should able to express themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin, no matter what that means. No judgment involved.

"So that's how I'm going to raise my son. And he's going to know that mummy does this on the side for work. And then I come home and put him to bed and read him stories about dinosaurs and ladybugs."

At what age will Max be allowed to watch the video for her Dirrty single?

"Well… He's two years old right now so no time soon. But eventually he's going to get to that age where he's going to have his own opinions about it, and I'll be open to hearing them. And he's going to hear the reasons why I chose to do the things that I did. And I take pride in that. What does Ozzy Osbourne say when he explains to his kids eating the heads off bats?"

Ask Christina Aguilera why she didn't flame out in a spiral of drugs, paparazzi run-ins and shaved heads, like her fellow Mouseketeer Britney Spears, and she replies evenly, "Because I kept my eyes on the prize. It's that drive since I was a little girl to keep going and it's my overachieving mentality. I always wanted to remain focused. I didn't want to get swayed. And what, I've been here over a decade? And years from now, decades from now, I still want to be doing it. So it's the eye on the prize. And always staying hungry."

Fuente: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rockandpopfeatures/7682705/Christina-Aguileras-eye-on-the-prize.html
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El Barto
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El Barto

Mensajes : 7357
Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2008

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyMiér Mayo 12, 2010 4:07 pm

jajajaj ke weba leerlo sin traduccion xD

lo que puedo decir es que Christina haga maletas y vaya a UK URGENTE a promocionar, ahora es el momento indicado!

que mal lo del Tour por que no le dara tiempo promocionar.

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Mensajes : 20553
Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2008
Edad : 36
Localización : Falcón - Venezuela

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyMiér Mayo 12, 2010 5:31 pm

Traduje casi todo pero lo voy a ir agrupando para que se entienda mejor!!

Dice que la casa de Christina en LA deberia convertirse en algo asi como un proyecto que se llame "Projetc Pop Royalty" por todo el arte que tiene dentro.

El cuarto de Max fue decorado por Woodson & Rummerfield durante 4 meses mientras el aun no nacia.

El otro lugar favorito de Christina en la casa es el Estudio de Grabacion donde grabó muchas de las canciones de "Bionic" al que ella apodó "The Red Lip Room". Christina dice que dejaron muchas cosas que la casa tenia cuando vivian los Osbournes porque le parecieron muy divertidas.

Luego hablan sobre su carrera haciendo incapie en la era X-tina de la que dicen que ya Christina eliminó de su cuerpo la mayoria de los piercings que tenia para provar la clase de chica "mala" que era.

Tambien comentan que Christina es una de las artistas mas exitosas de la decada pasada vendiendo mas de 43 millones de albums.

Comentan la evolucion hacia "Back To Basics" y mencionan a Britney diciendo que mientras Britney estaba en drogas y perdiendo su vida en escandalos; Christina estaba enfocada en su carrera.

Luego hablan de "Bionic"; nada que no sepamos ya y tambien sobre el suavizar su imagen ahora que es madre a lo que ella rapidamente dice que no... Que ser madre y artista son para ella cosas muy distintas y que forman parte de su expresion; que ella no solo es una cantante si no una artista apasionada por lo visual y el arte.

Dice que ella siempre supo que queria grabar un album futurista en algun momento pero que queria asegurarse de crear primero uno que realmente la inspirara y ese fue "Back To Basics".

Dijo que para crear "Back To Basics" tuvo que viajar en su pasado desde la edad de 6 años donde comenzó a escuchar a todos estos grande artistas en los cuales se inspiro pero que tener que recordar cosas de su pasado en muchos momentos no fue agradable para ella.

Entonces ahi tocan el tema sobre el abuso familiar y Christina dice que el Soul y el Blues fueron los que la ayudaron a salir de toda esa situacion; que se acostaba a escuchar a Billie Holiday y esa musica se convertia en su unico mundo.

Dice que de su madre no haberse separado de Fausto; ella no tendria una carrera como cantante hoy dia. Que toda esa situacion la lleno de mucho odio en algun momento y que todo eso la ha vuelto muy sensible a esos temas. Y la hizo sentirse auto-suficiente con los hombres y creer que nunca necesitaria la ayuda de alguno.

Hablando del "Mickey Mouse Club"; Christina dice haberse divertido de principio a fin en el show porque por 1era vez en su vida sintio que estaba con personas que entendian lo que ella queria; que amaban lo mismo que ella y apreciaban lo que hacia. Que se sentian como familia.

Dice que luego de conseguir el contrato discografico y grabar "Genie In A Bottle" ella intento mantener una vida normal y siguio asistiendo al colegio pero que a veces en las fiestas ponian la cancion y todas las chicas dejaban de bailar solo para ser malas con ella. Y asi su "vida normal" se comenzo a sentir como el film de terror "Carrie" y todo fue cambiando.

Christina dice que cuando ve al pasado; se rie... Porque se da cuenta de que pudo lidiar con toda la negatividad y que ella jamas necesito nada de esas personas y aprendio a mantener a las personas positivas cerca de ella y que crecio en ella una intuicion para saber cuando quien se acerca busca algo bueno o malo en ella y cuando es malo ella solo dice: "See Ya... I don't need it!!"...

Luego hablan de "Burlesque" y de porque la seleccionaron a ella para el papel! Resulta que Clint Culpepper el presidente de la compañia que auspicia al film Screen Gems vio sus performances cuando se presentó junto a las Pussycat Dolls en el Viper Room y escribio el personaje con Christina en su cabeza.

Christina dice que tenia el libreto de "Burlesque" desde hace 2 años; pero que pidio que para ser la protagonista debian hacer la historia mas intensa e interesante; para poder hacer el papel necesitaba poder meter sus dientes en el y hacerlo mas jugozo.

Le preguntan que si está en cada escena de la pelicula y ella dice: "Claro... Yo soy la estrella de la pelicula! Ha ha ha"... Entonces le preguntan que si no es Cher la estrella y ella responde: "Bueno, yo soy la numero uno... Ella es la numero dos! Ha ha ha".

El entrevistador dice que sin duda Christina tiene a veces sus "Diva Moments" pero que en estos dias; Christina se concentra mucho mas en ser una profesional y mantener el arte en su vida como por ejemplo su casa en LA. A lo que Christina dice que Ozzy habia pintado algunas cosas bien dark y moodies en varios cuartos de la casa y que decidieron dejarlos y que las paredes del estudio son rojas, cosa que ella ama porque el rojo se ha convertido en un sello para ella.

Comentan que los fans de los Osbournes todavia van a la casa a observarla y se hace un tumulto de personas y Christina dice que eso ha sido como "Un dolor en el trasero"; pero que dentro de la casa uno se puede sentir muy seguro; en su propio mundo y eso es lo mejor para ella.

Dice no ser para nada fanatica del gimnasio y menos de hacer dietas. Que de lo unico que es una gran fanatica es del arte y que ha gastado mucho dinero en ello; especialmente en el arte del britanico Bansky; dice que tienen como 10 pinturas de el por toda la casa.

Dice que le gusta Bansky porque el tiene una razon para pintarlo todo; aun si lo que pinta es una Hamburguesa; hasta en la Hamburguesa veras algo misterioso. Dice que no se conocen personalmente pero que ella esta en un documental de el llamado "Exit Through the Gift Shop"; que sale comprando en una de sus exhibiciones.

Dice que uno de los Bansky's que tiene es de la Reina Victoria; y que la pintura es de la Reina sentada en la cara de otra mujer. Entonces el entrevistador le pregunta que como describe ella esa pintura y ella dice: "Es una rebelion!!!". "No voy a hablar en contra de la Reina ni nada como eso; ese no es mi territorio. Pero me gusta la forma en como eso va contro todo lo establecido... La juxtaposicion de todo eso. La imagen es comiquisima".

Ella lleva una vida muy segura y funcional; a lo que dice: "Jordan es el tipo de hombre que con solo caminar por el cuarto me hace reir. Y ahi es cuando comienzo a caer de amor por el. El inspira esa comodidad; es mi mayor fan y yo soy su apoyo numero uno. Es un gran hombre y tengo suerte de tenerlo".

Christina dice tener planeado llevarse a Max con ella al tour en Julio. "El va a ver ese tour... Aunque esté lleno de latex"... "Sera muy simple, pero bastante grafico ante las camaras"... "Sera muy brillante; como el disco. Podras lubricarte con el"...

Le vuelven a preguntar si bajara el tono sexual ahora que es madre y ella vuelve a decir que no; "La sexualidad para mi no es nada de lo que debas sentirte avergonzado"... "mi hijo esta creciendo en una casa donde la desnudez forma parte del arte de la casa; y ha visto ya muchas veces a una mujer desnuda y el debe aprender a apreciar a las mujeres y a su muy trabajadora mamá. Y debera entender que las mujeres tienen su forma de expresarse y que se sienten comodas en su propia piel sin importar lo que sea. Quiero que aprenda a no juzgarnos".

"Asi es como estoy educando a mi hijo. El debe saber que mami tiene varias facetas cuando trabaja. Y cuando llego a casa; me acuesto con el en la cama y le leo sus cuentos sobre Dinosaurios y Hormigas"...

Para finalizar le preguntan que a que edad quisiera ella que Max viera el video de "Dirrty" y ella dice: "Bueno, el tiene 2 años ahorita asi que... No tan pronto. Pero eventualmente el llegará a esa edad donde todos comenzamos a tener una opinion propia sobre las cosas y yo estaré abierta a escuchar su opinion sobre eso. Y el escuchará las razones por las cuales yo escogi hacer las cosas que hice. Y estoy orgullosa de ello. Que hizo Ozzy Osbourne para explicarle a sus hijos cuando le arranco la cabeza al Murcielago y se lo comio?".

Por ultimo le preguntan como hizo para mantenerse alejada de las drogas; los escandalos; las cabezas rapadas y toda la locura en la que se vio envuelta su colega y compañera Britney Spears y ella dice: "Porque mantuve mis ojos en el premio. Yo viví esos momentos pero cuando fui niña y para mi es como una barrera mental. Siempre he querido mantenerme enfocada. Y porque he estado por mas de una decada aqui? Desde años pasados hasta ahora, desde hace una decada hasta hoy, siempre he querido hacer lo que estoy haciendo. Asi que eso es para mi mantener mis ojos en el premio. Y siempre estaré hambrienta de el".

Traduccion: RichardXV-7.
Amé la entrevista... Una de las mas completas e interesantes que le han hecho desde hace mucho tiempo! Very Happy
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Mensajes : 7698
Fecha de inscripción : 12/11/2008
Edad : 37
Localización : valencia - venezuela

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyMiér Mayo 12, 2010 6:11 pm

RichardXV-7 escribió:
Le preguntan que si está en cada escena de la pelicula y ella dice: "Claro... Yo soy la estrella de la pelicula! Ha ha ha"... Entonces le preguntan que si no es Cher la estrella y ella responde: "Bueno, yo soy la numero uno... Ella es la numero dos! Ha ha ha".

Comentan que los fans de los Osbournes todavia van a la casa a observarla y se hace un tumulto de personas y Christina dice que eso ha sido como "Un dolor en el trasero"; ]...

"Asi es como estoy educando a mi hijo. El debe saber que mami tiene varias facetas cuando trabaja. Y cuando llego a casa; me acuesto con el en la cama y le leo sus cuentos sobre Dinosaurios y Hormigas"...

. Que hizo Ozzy Osbourne para explicarle a sus hijos cuando le arranco la cabeza al Murcielago y se lo comio?"[/color].

Traduccion: RichardXV-7.
Amé la entrevista... Una de las mas completas e interesantes que le han hecho desde hace mucho tiempo! Very Happy

gracias siento que te amo

me mori de la risa con esas parte demasiado diva con lo de la pelicula jajaj
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Mensajes : 2885
Fecha de inscripción : 01/04/2009
Edad : 37
Localización : san antonios de los altos

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyMiér Mayo 12, 2010 6:12 pm

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Fecha de inscripción : 06/09/2008
Edad : 35

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyMiér Mayo 12, 2010 6:26 pm

Gracias Richarda, tan linda y aplicada Cute

Roll Smiling

Me dio mucha risa lo de Burlesque. Así como que "Yeah Bitches, IM THE STAR!!" jajaj tan lenda!
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Fecha de inscripción : 20/12/2008

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyMiér Mayo 12, 2010 9:05 pm

Siempre que cuenta la parte de su vida donde empezó su carrera me pone muy emotiva Sad

En gral me encanto la entrevista cheers

La No.1!!!!
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Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2008

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyJue Mayo 13, 2010 9:26 pm

Es un EXcelente entrevista!!! Que salgan las fotos en HQ pronto. No sabia que tenia cuadros de BAnsky en su casa, aunque debi suponerlo el tipo es un artista en esto del pop art!

Interesante lo de que hace bastante tenia ya el libreto de burlesque! jaja y ella ES LA GRAN ESTRELLA! alli les queda claro a todos de que no es Cher la protagonista pero si tiene un papel importantisimo
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Mensajes : 3697
Fecha de inscripción : 07/09/2008
Edad : 38
Localización : Caracas

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyVie Mayo 14, 2010 1:29 am

Que entrevista mas fina. Que risa lo de burlesque osea jejejeje yo soy la estrella ok Roll Smiling
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Mensajes : 20553
Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2008
Edad : 36
Localización : Falcón - Venezuela

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyVie Mayo 14, 2010 6:59 pm

Me cago en todos dentro de una botella! Molesto

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Mensajes : 13226
Fecha de inscripción : 06/09/2008
Edad : 35

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyVie Mayo 14, 2010 7:00 pm

RichardXV-7 escribió:
Me cago en todos dentro de una botella! Molesto


Yo te dije gracias, STUPIDA Molesto
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Mensajes : 20553
Fecha de inscripción : 05/09/2008
Edad : 36
Localización : Falcón - Venezuela

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyVie Mayo 14, 2010 7:07 pm

Tu solamente; y solo porque me estoy acostando contigo... Cute
Pero Y LOS DEMAS!!!? Molesto
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Mensajes : 1118
Fecha de inscripción : 20/12/2008

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyVie Mayo 14, 2010 7:11 pm

RichardXV-7 escribió:
Tu solamente; y solo porque me estoy acostando contigo... Cute
Pero Y LOS DEMAS!!!? Molesto

jajajajajajjajaja Roll Smiling

Gracias Richard por la traducción Love Love Love
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Real Fan

Mensajes : 13226
Fecha de inscripción : 06/09/2008
Edad : 35

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyVie Mayo 14, 2010 7:18 pm

RichardXV-7 escribió:
Tu solamente; y solo porque me estoy acostando contigo... Cute
Pero Y LOS DEMAS!!!? Molesto

Ya que se conque SUEÑAS todas las noches!...POOR RICHARD!!! Tranquilo, a veces la vida te trata mal..pero ya lo superarás Cute

Roll Smiling Roll Smiling Roll Smiling
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[Eduardo Cullen]
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[Eduardo Cullen]

Mensajes : 3800
Fecha de inscripción : 19/02/2009

Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] EmptyVie Mayo 14, 2010 9:46 pm

Gracias de nuevo richard! Qe bnas entrevistas han llegado en esta era!
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Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español]   Nueva entrevista de Christina en el TELEGRAPH UK [En Español] Empty

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