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 ¿Es un fracaso o no?

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Mensajes : 6427
Fecha de inscripción : 14/08/2010

¿Es un fracaso o no? Empty
MensajeTema: ¿Es un fracaso o no?   ¿Es un fracaso o no? EmptyVie Abr 03, 2015 2:45 am

Citación :
ABC’s Nashville returned on Wednesday with 5.1 million total viewers and a 1.3 demo rating, falling a tenths in the demo to tie a series low.


5.1 el inicio de Nashville en la tv gringa

Maanolo traduce esto:

With a 1.9/7 rating, ABC took the top spot in 18-49 last night in no small part due to the result of Modern Family (2.9/10). While even with last week’s numbers, the 9 PM comedy was easily the top-rated show of the night again. Add to ABC’s total that the night’s second-highest rated Black-ish (2.4/Cool. The 9:30 PM freshman saw a 14% rise in the demo over last week. As usual, comedies The Middle (1.7/7) and The Goldbergs (1.9/7) started ABC’s Wednesday. It wasn’t as good a night for them as it was for black-ish with the former down 11% and the latter down 10% from their March 25 shows. Ending the night, Nashville (1.3/4) slipped 7% from its last original of March 4.

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