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 Track List OFICIAL: One Love, One Rhythm – The 2014 FIFA World Cup Official Album

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MensajeTema: Track List OFICIAL: One Love, One Rhythm – The 2014 FIFA World Cup Official Album   Track List OFICIAL: One Love, One Rhythm – The 2014 FIFA World Cup Official Album EmptyMiér Abr 23, 2014 3:21 am

Track List OFICIAL: One Love, One Rhythm – The 2014 FIFA World Cup Official Album One-Love-One-Rhythm-The-2014-FIFA-World-Cup-Official-Album-1200x1200

El próximo 12 de mayo Sony Music editará ‘One Love, One Rhythm – The 2014 FIFA World Cup Official Album’, el disco oficial del mayor acontecimiento deportivo del mundo.

La edición internacional de este álbum está encabezada por el single ‘We Are One (Ole Ola)‘, tema oficial del Mundial de Brasil 2014 que en esta ocasión está interpretado por Pitbull con la colaboración de Jennifer Lopez y Claudia Leitte.

1. “We Are One (Ole Ola)” (The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song) Pitbull featuring Jennifer Lopez and Claudia Leitte 3:43
2. “Dar um Jeito (We Will Find a Way)” (The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Anthem) Santana and Wyclef Jean featuring Avicii and Alexandre Pires 3:48
3. “Tatu Bom de Bola” (The Official 2014 FIFA Mascot Song) Arlindo Cruz 3:20
4. “Vida (Spanglish Version)” Ricky Martin 2:54
5. “The World Is Ours” David Correy and Lalala Boy
6. “Lepo Lepo” Psirico
7. “One Nation” Sergio Mendes
8. “La La La (Brasil 2014)” Shakira featuring Carlinhos Brown
9. “It’s Your Thing” The Isley Brothers with Studio Rio
10. “Tico Tico” Bebel Gilberto and Lang Lang
11. “Olé (Stadium Anthem Mix)” Adelén
12. “This Is Our Time (Agora É a Nossa Hora)” Magic!
13. “Night and Day (Carnival Mix)” Baha Men
14. “Go, Gol” Rodrigo Alexey featuring Preta Gil
Edición Deluxe
15. “World Cup Brazil” Cherry Blossom and XYZ Guy
16. “We Are One (Ole Ola)” (The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song) (Olodum Mix) Pitbull featuring Jennifer Lopez and Claudia Leitte 3:58
17. “Tatu Bom de Bola” (The Official 2014 FIFA Mascot Song) (DJ Memê Remix) Arlindo Cruz
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